The Prana Therapy Mentorship

What is Prana Therapy?

Prana Therapy is a 9-week experience designed to take the guess work about of achieving emotional balance, increased physical energy, and elevated peace and stress reduction.

Ready to experience deep healing and renewal dedicated to your holistic well-being?


Why Prana Therapy?

The Prana Therapy Mentorship is a holistic approach that aligns your mind, body, and spirit with the natural energies of the universe. Rooted in ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and Japanese Energy Healing, this therapy restores balance and vitality through personalized treatments, spiritual coaching, and natural remedies.


  1. A new awareness of self

  2. An increase of energy & confidence

  3. A greater sense of belonging and purpose

  4. Discovering one’s connection Spirit

  5. Balancing of nervous system

  6. Enhanced clarity of thought

  7. Full-body rejuvenation

  8. Cellular vitality

Prana Therapy is more than just a treatment; it's a pathway to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life. Let us guide you on your journey to wellness and experience the transformative power of prana energy.


This program was made for you if you’re feeling…

  1. At a crossroads in life

    And you want support navigating significant life changes, such as career shifts, relationships, or personal growth.

  2. Untapped potential

    And you want help in gaining clarity about life purpose and direction, encouraging personal growth while boosting in self-confidence and self-worth through positive energy transformations.

  3. Disconnected from your spirituality

    And you want to deepen spiritual connection and awareness, enhancing overall spiritual well-being through coaching on finding your spiritual path and how to live a religious/ spiritual life in modern day.

  4. Stressed and exhausted

    And you want t0 restore and revitalize energy levels, combat chronic fatigue and lethargy while improving your sleep patterns and combating insomnia by calming your mind and body, ensuring restful and rejuvenating sleep.

  5. Ungrounded and overwhelmed

    And you want a sense of calm and grounding, helping you manage overwhelming feelings provided in a nurturing space and you want to promote inner peace and a resolution of internal conflicts, leading to a balanced state of mind.

  6. Physical tightness and tension

    And you want to experience relief from chronic pain and physical tension, especially in your muscles and joints, through energy balancing.

  7. Disconnected from yourself

    And you want to enhance the connection to oneself and others, fostering a greater sense of belonging and purpose by breaking cycles of negative thinking, promoting a positive mindset.

  8. A busy mind, scattered, or a lack of focus

    And you want to improve focus and mental clarity, helping to clear mental fog and confusion while enhancing mental focus and productivity, aiding in better task management and efficiency.

What You’ll Receive

  • 1-hour detailed consultation to assess energy levels, discuss goals, and create a personalized Reiki healing plan.

  • 9 x 90-mintue in-depth and personalized Reiki sessions aimed at balancing and restoring energy flows for optimal health.

    Sessions scheduled once a week, tailored to individual needs.

    • Customized holistic plan including meditation, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices.

    • Personalized recommendations for herbs, aromatherapy and other complementary therapies to enhance healing.

    • Access to exclusive wellness resources and meditation tracks.

    • Continuous call, text, and email support between sessions for any questions or guidance.

    • Incoperation of advanced Reiki techniques such as Byosen Scanning and Aura Cleansing.

    • As well as techniques from other energy medicine traditions such as Hindu mantras, and Inca Mesa practices

    • Welcome kit including a selection of healing herbal teas, soothing body oils, bah soaks, and healing stones.

    • Monthly delivery of herbal teas and wellness items aligned with the client’s healing journey.

  • 1 free Reiki session upon completion of the 9 sessions.

    • Priority Booking: Priority scheduling for sessions.

    • Special Discounts: 10% discount on any additional sessions or services during the package period.

Prana Therapy Key Concepts

  • Holistic Healing

    Unlike conventional approaches that often treat symptoms in isolation, Prana Therapy embraces a holistic perspective. It recognizes that true healing involves addressing the root causes of issues, whether they stem from physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual origins. By nurturing all aspects of an individual's being, Prana Therapy promotes deep and lasting healing. This integrative approach not only alleviates ailments but also enhances one's resilience, vitality, and inner harmony.

  • Mind-Body Connection

    Prana Therapy emphasizes the profound connection between the mind and body. Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs profoundly influence our physical health and vice versa. Through practices such as breathwork, meditation, and energy healing, Prana Therapy helps individuals cultivate awareness and mindfulness. By developing a deeper understanding of this mind-body relationship, individuals can harness the power of positive thinking, emotional balance, and intentional living to support their healing journey and overall well-being.

  • Self-Empowerment and Resilience

    A core principle of Prana Therapy is empowering individuals to take an active role in their healing journey. Rather than being passive recipients of treatment, individuals are encouraged to cultivate self-awareness, self-care practices, and a proactive mindset. Prana Therapy equips individuals with tools and techniques to manage their energy, emotions, and thoughts, fostering greater resilience and adaptability in the face of life's challenges. This empowerment not only enhances their healing process but also promotes a sense of agency and inner strength.

Why Now?

In today’s fast-paced world, taking time for yourself is more important than ever. There’s no better moment than now to prioritize your health and well-being. Allow us to guide you on a journey towards a rejuvenated, healthier, and more balanced you.

Apply for Prana Therapy and take the first step towards a life of harmony and wellness. Our personalized treatments designed with your unique needs in mind are and here to support you every step of the way.

Personalized Guidance

Expert support tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a transformative and individualized experience.  

Comprehensive Tools

Access to a suite of holistic tools and techniques designed to boost emotional balance, physical energy, and stress reduction.

Exclusive Resources

A curated collection of resources including guides, meditations, and exercises to further your progress outside of sessions.

Continual Growth

Ongoing opportunities for personal development, ensuring that the benefits of Prana Therapy extend well beyond the 9-week program.

  • Apply today to learn more

Unlock your full potential and embrace holistic wellness by signing up for our Prana Therapy program today!


  • Prana Therapy is a holistic healing practice that restores and balances the life force energy (prana) within your body, promoting overall well-being and vitality.

  • Prana Therapy utilizes techniques such as breathwork, meditation, and energy healing to clear energy blockages and enhance the flow of prana, thereby fostering physical, emotional, and mental wellness.

  • Prana Therapy can help with a variety of conditions, including stress, anxiety, chronic pain, fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, and emotional imbalances.

  • Yes, Prana Therapy is a non-invasive and gentle approach that is generally safe for people of all ages and health conditions. However, it should not replace conventional medical treatment but can be used as a complementary therapy.

  • No prior experience or knowledge is required. Our experienced practitioners will guide you through each session, making it accessible for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.

  • During a session, you may be guided through breathing exercises, meditation, and energy healing techniques. Expect a calming and nurturing environment where you can relax and rejuvenate.

  • The number of sessions required varies depending on individual needs and goals. Some people may feel benefits after a single session, while others might require multiple sessions for more substantial results.

  • Yes, Prana Therapy can be effectively combined with other medical or therapeutic treatments to enhance overall healing and well-being.

  • Wear comfortable clothing, stay hydrated, and arrive with an open mind and readiness to relax and receive the healing energy.

  • Yes, Prana Therapy can be adapted to suit children and can help with issues such as anxiety, hyperactivity, emotional distress, and general well-being.

  • Yes, we offer remote sessions via video calls, where our practitioners guide you through the processes, making healing accessible from the comfort of your home.

  • You can book a session through our website, by contacting us via phone, or by visiting our center in person. We offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your needs.